I would like to take a moment and introduce myself and Erthecode, a plant based wellness and longevity brand that was initially created to heal my beloved wife from a complicated thyroid issue. Throughout that enlightening journey we discovered the magical healing powers of plants and my inspiration was to create a brand in order to share our journey and its findings with the world.

The continuation of climate change and life after the height of the global pandemic has shown that a radical reset in the way we approach overall wellness is not only necessary but critically essential. I deeply believe in a humanity that can be at its best, free of personal care products that contain chemicals and toxins that ultimately harm both our well-being and the ecosystem of our beautiful planet Earth. When we say we want you to feel good, we mean it, so thank you for joining us on our mission.

Indulge. Enjoy. And don’t forget to recycle! 


Joseph Caruso

Erthecode Symbol


Why do we spell Erthe, this way? We are referencing history and the completeness of the earth’s perfect ecosystem. The name Erthe, meaning ground, is one of the original Middle English names that was used from 1066 A.D. until the late 15th century.

Our Erthecode mark was created by Aristotle (384–322 BCE) who believed earth was the heaviest element, and his theory of natural place suggested that any earth–laden substances, would fall quickly, straight down, towards the center of the cosmos. Aristotle was one of the first to establish a structured set of symbols for all the elements. The alchemist symbol for earth was a downward-pointing triangle, bisected by a horizontal line.


Our code is clear: we believe our own well-being and that of the planet go hand in hand. Therefore, we seek to improve human and planetary health alike.

We adhere to the Seventh Generation Principle which is based on an ancient Haudenosaunee (Iroquois)* philosophy that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future. We pull every sustainability string we can. We care for the world we live in, from the products we make to the ways in which we give back to society. We are about integrity, moving forward with honesty and transparency that honors the values and traditions of our ancestors, protecting what’s important to us, our health, and to our planet earth.

Erthecode Who We Are


We aim to build a family of Erthecoders who understand our ethics through planetary stewardship. We prioritize our principles and promises to your health and well-being of the world around us.

We love our Earth, our Ocean, our Animals, and our Neighbors. We are a group of Erthecoders who seek a harmonious balance of inner health, peace and outward planetary stewardship.


Our principles are simple: clean, honest products and the packages they live in are pro-people and pro-planet: no added chemicals, toxins or unnecessary planetary waste. Our botanical products are scientifically formulated, sustainably sourced, and Leaping Bunny Certified.

Our promise is to positively impact our surroundings for future generations who will inherit our oceans, our trees, our planet. At our core, we recognize that the harmony of inner peace and outward planetary stewardship is in every decision we make, including what we put in our body, on our skin and most certainly, what we leave behind.

The Earth is calling out to all of us. We hear you Mother Earth. We are listening. We are decoding. We are responding.Â